by Damon Manetta
Photo courtesy of Karen Helfert
After the June meeting, many felt the MNCPPC had been fairly negative, citing the many obstacles to overcome before our Randolph Dog Park could be created. The primary obstacle was that much of the proposed Dog Park lies within the 100-year flood plain – where current MNCPPC rules forbid building park facilities.
However, developments over the summer have been very positive. One such development has been the discovery that some of the trees located in the non-flood plain section of Randolph Park are actually invasive species not native to Maryland, meaning that they can and should be removed. Removal of these trees will make more open land for the Dog Park.
As of this writing, a special community meeting has been tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, September 30th, 8pm at the Viers Mill Rec Center. The purpose of this meeting will be for Park officials to present to the community a proposal for a Dog Park, details about the exact nature of their proposal are not yet available. Please check our website, where more information will be posted as it becomes available.