New! Randolph Dog Club

In coordination with the Randolph Civic Association, a new dog club group has been created to organize dog activities in the neighborhood and to show interest in and discuss the possibility of a future dog park.

The new group is called “randolphdogclub”. You can join at or by sending a mail to

Please also attend the next Civic Association meeting on June 4th at 8pm, to be held at the Viers Mill Rec Center. Our guest speaker will be Dr. John Hench, Chief of the Parks Planning Division. Dr. Hench will be addressing the community on the possibility of getting a Dog Park and other improvements at Randolph Hills Park. A big show of support at this meeting will go a long way in demonstrating to the Department of Parks that our park is the right place for a new Dog Park. We can’t emphasize enough how important it is for the community to show up for this meeting, so please put it on you calendar, and tell everyone you know as well!

Other than the obvious benefit of giving our dogs a fun, safe place to play, the park could have many benefits for non dog owners. It will make the neighborhood more attractive to many home buyers, help to develop a sense of community, increase community use of the park and make the park safer for everyone.

If any of your neighbors who may not be a member of the Randolph Civic Association email list and have dog(s), please let them know about the new dog club.

Photos of the group’s first “meetup” on Park grounds.